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Built by
enthusiasts for

Originating from the Warsaw Meetup series, where we amassed 30+ presentations and over 100 Ruby enthusiasts, we sensed a ripe opportunity for growth.
In July 2023, on our meetup anniversary, we launched the inaugural Ruby Warsaw Community Conference. Drawing over 100 developers from Poland, Lithuania, and Germany, the event was a resounding success. Beyond the enriching discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions, the conference provided opportunities for networking. Organizing the next conference was an easy decision.

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what and when


12:00 Workshops

📍 Odolańska 56, VISUALITY

📍 Towarowa 28/10TH floor, SOFTSWISS

📍 Prosta 51, Prosta Office Centre, CODERSLAB

17:00 Conference

📍 PKiN, Kinoteka, pl. Defilad 1, Warsaw

21:00 Afterparty

📍 Bowling Club Arco, Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920r 19

The names to remember

Meet the


speaker: Xavier Noria — Rails Core

Xavier is an independent consultant from Barcelona, who does OSS for fun in spare time. As OSS highlights, Xavier has been a member of the Rails Core Team for more than a decade, and is author of Zeitwerk, the topic of this talk. He has been presented several awards for his OSS work, including an Outstanding Performance Fukuoka Ruby Award for Zeitwerk.

topic: Zeitwerk Internals

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Zeitwerk is the Ruby gem responsible for autoloading code in modern Rails applications. It also works with other web frameworks and with Ruby gems.

After attending this talk you’ll have a good understanding of how Zeitwerk works. Going from a conceptual overview of the main ideas, down to implementation details.


speaker: Steven Baker — Creator of RSpec

Steven is a simplicity focused technologist, and a veteran of the software industry. He helps individuals and teams simplify, deliver rapidly and safely, and have fun doing it. He has created methods (the describe/it pattern), tools (RSpec, MiniTest::Mock) to help people and teams do more with less.

topic: Renaissance of Ruby on Rails

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Ruby on Rails blazed trails in popular web application development with Convention Over Configuration, brought a version of MVC to the masses. All of this in the beautiful, expressive, and enjoyable Ruby programming language.

But web development moved away. Organisations wanted to split their development teams, and add complexity to the process using micro-services, bifurcating development teams, and complicating deployments with containerisation. Ruby on Rails fell behind the popular curve, and Ruby on Rails entered the Dark Ages.

In this talk, Steven will explore how the latest release of Ruby on Rails delivers us out of the Dark Ages, and back into the freedom offered by Full-Stack. You will see how, using just what’s built in to Rails, you can deliver highly interactive applications, and take advantage of the benefits of containerised deployments, without complicating your development and deployment workflows.

Let’s celebrate the Renaissance of Ruby on Rails together!


speaker: Michał Łęcicki — Visuality

Michał is a ruby developer with over ten years of programming experience. Huge fan of Domain-Driven Design, Event Storming and drawing diagrams whenever possible to craft elegant software architecture. He is an active member of the Polish Ruby community, serving as a speaker at various Ruby meetups and contributing as the author of educational blog posts.

topic: Implementing business archetypes in Rails

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An introduction into business archetypes patterns: a great pill of knowledge on how to implement universal concepts occurring in business and business software systems. A complex theory explained with various Rails examples and practical recipes.


speaker: Maciej Mensfeld —

Maciej is a seasoned Software Architect and conference speaker with over 16 years of experience with Ruby. Specializing in high-performance systems and OSS supply chain security, he contributes to projects like the Karafka framework and is a member of the RubyGems security team.

topic: Future-Proofing Ruby Gems: Strategies for Long-Term Maintenance

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Embark on an advanced journey with Maciej, where he offers a deep dive into the planning and foresight required when building Ruby OSS gems. This session transcends typical development discussions, focusing on the unique considerations necessary for creating open-source software that stands the test of time. Maciej will share insights from his experience, highlighting the importance of thoughtful decision-making in an environment where a simple fix is not always an option.

Attendees will learn how to avoid common pitfalls that lead to long-term issues, understand the nuances of building non-standard applications, and gain a new perspective on the delicate balance required to create robust, future-proof open-source software. This talk is an invitation to think differently about software development, encouraging a deep commitment to quality and sustainability in the OSS community.

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Get Involved


Make sure to grab a ticket to the conference before registering for a Workshop!

Game Development in Ruby on Rails

where: Odolańska 56, Warsaw

when: 02.02.2024 at 12:00

how long: ~3h

host: Paweł Strzałkowski

available seats: 20

Workshops host
Workshops hostWorkshops host

Fixing performance issues with Rails

where: SoftSwiss, Towarowa 28/10th floor, Warsaw

when: 02.02.2024 at 12:00

how long: ~3h

host: Chris Hasiński & Patryk Ptasiński

available seats: 20

Rails 8 Rapid Start: Mastering Templates for Efficient Development

where: Prosta Office Centre, Prosta 51, Warsaw

when: 02.02.2024 at 12:00

how long: ~2h

host: Viktor Schmidt

available seats: 20

Workshops host

Check the venue

Pałac Kultury i Nauki
Warsaw, pl. Defilad 1


Discover the perfect mix of post-war Warsaw charm and modernity at Kinoteka. Located in the heart of the city, just a 3-minute walk from Warsaw Central Station and Metro Centrum, our venue seamlessly blends the communist legacy of the Palace of Culture and Science with contemporary style. Kinoteka is the ideal place to host our event – a cinematic gem in the center of Warsaw.

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Let's celebrate


02.02.2024, 21:00

📍 Bowling Club Arco, Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920 r. 19, Warsaw

Bowling tracks

Arco in Ochota, Warsaw, is a popular bowling club known for its modern facilities and lively atmosphere. Located in the heart of Ochota district, it offers a fantastic experience for both casual and avid bowlers, featuring well-maintained lanes and a range of entertainment options. To reach Arco from the center of Warsaw, you can opt for public transportation (127, 158, 517) or take a taxi. Once at Arco, visitors can enjoy not only a variety of bowling activities but also additional amenities such as arcade games, a snack bar, and comfortable seating areas. The friendly staff and vibrant ambiance make it an ideal destination for a fun outing with friends.

Bowling, music, foosball, pool, food, open bar, and all of this in a specially closed-off space for us will make our time enjoyable. Let's connect, Ruby Warsaw Community!

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